Saturday, January 15, 2011

My-croscope: One More Time

Takes the fragments of a broken boy to piece together a man.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"The creator gives and forgives. The creation gets and forgets".

Monday, January 10, 2011


"We are not punished for our sins, we are punished by them".

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My-croscope: All Aboard the Friendship

"Being in the company of one's spiritual brethren in this world is the consolation for being in the abode of materiality".

Abu 'Abdullah as-Sijzi, the shaykh from Khorasan, goes on to describe Sufi conduct:

"It means accepting the excuses of humankind and your own shortcomings; seeing their perfection and your imperfections; and having compassion for all creatures, in their goodness and evil".

This is how i want to live, inshAllah.

The underlying objective is the "perfection of futuwwa (Sufi chivalry) is that you not busy yourself with humankind at the expense of God, the Glorious and Mighty".

My-croscope: Bro-bots & sis-borgs

Time for Spring cleaning. Funny that spring mysteriously disappeared for a couple of years and has now suddenly decided to stage a comeback in the middle of winter. So I've been lazy. shoot me.

Anyway. I rediscover a philosophy essay i wrote in first year of university on whether we are actually human beings or merely automatons. Then i pick up a book only to find that someone else has committed thought plagiarism. But how did they steal my thoughts? Here they were; roaming about carelessly; wandering naked and aimlessly. When did this thief infiltrate selfistan, steal them, clothe them in the most beautiful words and then shamelessly have them parade before me in black ink? Truth be told, i love it when this happens.

So what if we're all automatons? We're all clearly bro-bots and sis-borgs.

Conversations With You

25 D. Aisle seat. I've lucked out. The three seats next to me are all vacant. A happy pair of legs i have. Call me happy feet!

Nope! Wait a second. Spoke to soon. Young Tamil man wants in on the space. I guess i can learn to share. I let him come. I tell him to sit on the farthest one because i want to stretch. I also let him know that we can take turns lying down. After all, four happy legs are better than two. I tell him this and he gets annoyed.

Here i am sharing with this stranger, offering him comfort, offering him something good and he's getting annoyed. He doesn't want to listen or have anything to do with me. My warmth couldn't break the ice. Frustrated by this insolent ingrate, I feel a frown hijacking my face and then i think of You. You go through this all the time don't you?

How do You do it, my Friend?

My-croscope: "Marriage is half of faith/religion".

You argue with me. Our religion allows us to have up to four wives at one time.

I agree with you. Yes, If we believing men fulfill certain legal requirements, we can have up to four wives. But then i begin to contemplate. I go back to where it all began.When He/She created us. The "original harmonious" relationship; Adam and Eve; one man and one woman. Not Adam, Eve, and the three others.

We adhere to the letter all the while trying to evade the spirit.

Come. Let's try to find a middle ground.