Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Borrowed Light

(warning, strong influences of khalil jibran, waleed zaman, and a clock which reads 5 am, at work)

a sweet kiss with lips sincere is all that is needed to inject life into the seeds buried deep within a soul mourning a seemingly never ending drought. the love now rampant throughout the body as the only cure allow the expanses of the gardens of the soul to be laden with sweetness in full bloom. the coming of this spring brings with it new hope and songs carried by a breeze whos resonant whisperings give voice to the orchestra of the heart. dying echoes of the longings of a soul generate a harmony which holds within it the key to ressurecting a hope which the mind had deemed dead since long. in this gentle breeze, the darkest of dusks find their dawn and so dawns the profound realization of longings fulfilled with beauty and of prayers answered.

----love and be loved, for the only way to truly live is through love--------

for love is the very ingredient which makes the core of a soul and its expression which completes it, giving it form. a body that does not love is a body opressed.a mind that does not love is a mind limited and bound. and a heart that refuses to accept its grace is a heart forever discontentand the soul that is not allowed to express its love is one that will forever wander, in vain, in search of its home. so then, let the gaze be filled with it, the tongue speak from it, ears overwhelmed by it, the feet walk its path, and its sweet fragrance fill the soul. for, only then, will all actions will be from love and of it and this is what separates the living from the alive. let each stroke of a brush be moved by it, each work be in its name, each motive be fuelled by it, intent be born from it, and let it be the very desired end. all because in essence man is a creaiton whos beginning was itself motivated by Love, so let this very Love be the force which powers the sails throughout his journey, and brings him to his final destination where his love will be realized.

----love and be loved, for the only way to truly live is through love--------

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