Wednesday, January 27, 2010

(Draft) Munn-dane: The Balanced Equation of Chee

I ask the little Asian boy his name. "Chee" he blankly responds.

I feel a smile take over my face. Chee is what i call Tariq Chachoo and anything that reminds me of people that are home make my heart lighter.

So tonight i'm thinking of Chee on the 99 and what comes to mind is his advice.

The wise Chee explains:

Everyone has their own equation for Life. The variables are the same and so what defines an equation is the importance accorded to each variable. In your case love is the dominant variable in most of your relationships. Keep that in mind. If love isn't the dominant variable for him in this particular relationship then restructure your equation accordingly.

Spoken like a true Physics major. An 18 year old didn't need eloquence. Just effective advice.

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