Monday, March 1, 2010

Space Ship: The World of Dreams

I can't call her the past because she is ever-present. She is distant, but always within sight. Today a cool breeze breathed some of her perfume and - for a while - the distance evaporated. The addictive fragrance gently stroked a sleeping dream out of hibernation. This particularly beautiful dream had been resting on the other side of the barzakh in the vast ocean of my memory; the barzakh which did not allow the sweet and salt water to mix - that barzakh.

This dream was beautiful because she was his first. Before anything else, he had always wanted to be an astronaut. Pakistan didn't have a space program though and he didn't have a spaceship. His instincts would whisper to him and tell him the stars were a map. A map to what or where he didn't know. But that's why he needed his spaceship and one day, just like that, he found one.

A journey into the heavens.

Does a journey to the heavens have to be a fight against gravity?

A dream unable to escape the pull of reality.

The return. A vessel catches fire as it re-enters the realm it tried to escape.

A crash landing in sweet water.

A tidal wave of sweet water

A reminder:

Reality, too, is but a forgotten dream.

Reality, too, is but the forgotten dream.

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