Saturday, January 8, 2011

My-croscope: Bro-bots & sis-borgs

Time for Spring cleaning. Funny that spring mysteriously disappeared for a couple of years and has now suddenly decided to stage a comeback in the middle of winter. So I've been lazy. shoot me.

Anyway. I rediscover a philosophy essay i wrote in first year of university on whether we are actually human beings or merely automatons. Then i pick up a book only to find that someone else has committed thought plagiarism. But how did they steal my thoughts? Here they were; roaming about carelessly; wandering naked and aimlessly. When did this thief infiltrate selfistan, steal them, clothe them in the most beautiful words and then shamelessly have them parade before me in black ink? Truth be told, i love it when this happens.

So what if we're all automatons? We're all clearly bro-bots and sis-borgs.

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